Why Carolina Is The Right Candidate
Carolina Amesty has been a strong conservative voice within the State of Florida and abroad for years. She has forged strong ties to some of the leading conservative officials and organizations within the Great State of Florida and the Nation. Her strong Faith in Christianity has guided her belief system and decisions since a child. She and her family immigrated to the United States seeing the threatening signs of government overreach and totalitarianism. In recent years Carolina has seen this same movement spreading across the United States from the radical left politicians and media. This has given her the unbreakable spirit to pursue an official position within the legislative system where she can represent the conservative population and defend the freedoms and values we hold dear.
Carolina's committed to supporting Gov. DeSantis
Carolina stands with, and supports, Gov. Ron DeSantis. The United States of America faces many challenges and Gov. DeSantis is an example to the Nation.
"I'm determined to promote the values we hold dear alongside Gov. DeSantis!"
Carolina Amesty

As an American with Venezuelan heritage, Carolina knows very well the consequences of socialism. She has filed to run for Florida State Representative district 45. Carolina will be a strong voice for conservative values and will work tirelessly with Governor Ron DeSantis to ensure parental rights, school choice, combat the radical left and free markets for all.
Carolina has been part of Central Christian University since its beginning and currently serves as the University’s Executive Vice President. Carolina also serves as a board member for Chaplains of Florida, American Chaplains and Central Christian Academy. She has been involved in several political campaigns on a local and national level.
As a strong conservative at heart, she has supported immensely all efforts to continue the growth of conservative leadership in the State of Florida. She is the current President of the Orlando Republican Women Federated, the oldest Republican women organization in Florida, founded in 1924 to empower women in political activism. On February 27, 2020, she was recognized in Washington, DC by the Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel as a Republican rising star.
In addition, Carolina owns and manages local businesses in Florida, including a private K-12 academy and a fast-food restaurant. Her passion is to uplift and serve communities. She believes education is the fundamental element to a healthy society. She stands firm on the importance of political and economic freedom, limited government, separation of powers, federalism, and the rights of the people to secure prosperous communities. As an educator, business owner and women of faith she will work tirelessly to ensure a prosperous community for all.
Carolina is a graduate of the University of Central Florida in Political Science and continued her Graduate Studies in International Relations.

As an American with Venezuelan heritage, Carolina knows very well the consequences of socialism. She has filed to run for Florida State Representative district 45. Carolina will be a strong voice for conservative values and will work tirelessly with Governor Ron DeSantis to ensure parental rights, school choice, combat the radical left and free markets for all.
Carolina has been part of Central Christian University since its beginning and currently serves as the University’s Executive Vice President. Carolina also serves as a board member for Chaplains of Florida, American Chaplains and Central Christian Academy. She has been involved in several political campaigns on a local and national level.
As a strong conservative at heart, she has supported immensely all efforts to continue the growth of conservative leadership in the State of Florida. She is the current President of the Orlando Republican Women Federated, the oldest Republican women organization in Florida, founded in 1924 to empower women in political activism. On February 27, 2020, she was recognized in Washington, DC by the Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel as a Republican rising star.
In addition, Carolina owns and manages local businesses in Florida, including a private K-12 academy and a fast-food restaurant. Her passion is to uplift and serve communities. She believes education is the fundamental element to a healthy society. She stands firm on the importance of political and economic freedom, limited government, separation of powers, federalism, and the rights of the people to secure prosperous communities. As an educator, business owner and women of faith she will work tirelessly to ensure a prosperous community for all.
Carolina is a graduate of the University of Central Florida in Political Science and continued her Graduate Studies in International Relations.

As an American with Venezuelan heritage, Carolina knows very well the consequences of socialism. She has filed to run for Florida State Representative district 45. Carolina will be a strong voice for conservative values and will work tirelessly with Governor Ron DeSantis to ensure parental rights, school choice, combat the radical left and free markets for all.
Carolina has been part of Central Christian University since its beginning and currently serves as the University’s Executive Vice President. Carolina also serves as a board member for Chaplains of Florida, American Chaplains and Central Christian Academy. She has been involved in several political campaigns on a local and national level.
As a strong conservative at heart, she has supported immensely all efforts to continue the growth of conservative leadership in the State of Florida. She is the current President of the Orlando Republican Women Federated, the oldest Republican women organization in Florida, founded in 1924 to empower women in political activism. On February 27, 2020, she was recognized in Washington, DC by the Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel as a Republican rising star.
In addition, Carolina owns and manages local businesses in Florida, including a private K-12 academy and a fast-food restaurant. Her passion is to uplift and serve communities. She believes education is the fundamental element to a healthy society. She stands firm on the importance of political and economic freedom, limited government, separation of powers, federalism, and the rights of the people to secure prosperous communities. As an educator, business owner and women of faith she will work tirelessly to ensure a prosperous community for all.
Carolina is a graduate of the University of Central Florida in Political Science and continued her Graduate Studies in International Relations.
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I am running for state representative because our nation is in crisis. No. There are no enemies at our gate. There are no tanks rolling across our landscape as we see in the Russia Ukraine conflict. But under Joe Biden’s leadership, our nation is rapidly heading for economic failure and a national security crisis.
As an American with a Venezuelan heritage, I know too well the consequences of embracing socialism, and I want to work with Governor DeSantis to defend our state from the agenda being pushed at us on a daily basis by the radical left in Washington.
We need strong conservative voices in the legislature with the experience and resolve necessary for this mission. As an educator and business owner, I am ready to help lead the fight for parental control of our classrooms and free markets for all.
I want to stand with Ron DeSantis and be part of the leadership team that keeps Florida strong. In turn, I believe that our states will keep America strong until we can defeat Biden and the liberals in 2024.
Under DeSantis, people are now calling us the Free State of Florida.
As a small businesswoman and educator, I know there are things that we can continue to do to keep Florida free.
I want to work to keep parents and guardians in charge of their child’s education. That’s because they know what is best for their child. Not the state. I will work for universal school choice and for the expansion of more charter schools so that no child is ever left stuck in a system that cannot meet his or her needs.
I want to work on more tax and regulatory reform so that we can do our part to make Florida the easiest place in the world to start and maintain a business. Government does not create jobs. Entrepreneurs and businessmen and women do that. The fees and regulatory structures that we put in place must be reviewed from top to bottom.
I want to do everything we can to protect our quality of life. That involves building and maintaining better transportation corridors so that we don’t spend half our day in traffic and also making investments in green space protection so that we do not lose the special outdoor experiences that make Florida special. That especially involves our protection of our waterways and springs.
But I cannot do these things alone.
Being a candidate is not about me. It is about all of us and what we want for our families and future generations.
I want freedom, safety, and prosperity for all Floridians. By God’s grace and with your help, we will make that happen.
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Conservative Values are under attack within the United States. Those with conservative values are labeled as radicals, haters, racists, and a spurn upon the one world order the left seeks to advance. Carolina knows all too well the result of such an autocratic system and will defend the constitution and those it represents.

There are a lot of rights and liberties that we as conservatives believe that we have, but we don’t. She will seek to develop legislation at the local and state levels that ensures what the constitution states is defended and guaranteed as law. She will become a sentinel for leftist legislature seeking to steal our freedoms by sleight of hand.

The left despises the definition of family and its role in todays society. They seek to destroy the nuclear family with legislation designed to indoctrinate your children and strip your rights as a parent away. She stands behind strong legislation such as the Parental Rights in Education act and its sponsors.

Federal overreach is running rampant in our society. The left continues to create legislation packed with hidden policies that creates a further division within our states, schools, and businesses. Carolina will be a stalwart force in developing, sponsoring, and advocating legislation that ensures that our conservative values live on.
“I wholeheartedly endorse Carolina Amesty for State House in District 45 because she is a strong conservative who will govern with integrity. Carolina is a proven champion for school choice and she knows that parents must be in the driver’s seat when it comes to their children’s education. She is a successful business owner in her own right, and because of her Venezuelan heritage she can speak firsthand about the loss of freedom when government takes too much control.”
Rep. Joe HardingFlorida State Representative 
“It is very easy to endorse my friend. She is the right person at the right time for the job. Carolina is an educator and also a businesswoman. As a mom of 5 and a businesswoman in Central Florida for the past 29 years, I want to elect businesspeople to represent us in Tallahassee, people who understand the business climate and who know we need less regulations, less taxes, and more opportunities. I believe strongly in letting parents teach their children about life and letting educators educate about math, writing, and science. I know these are some of the issues Carolina stands for, and that is why I support her strongly for District 45.”
Bertica Cabrera MorrisBusinesswoman and Poltical Strategist 
“Carolina is a true conservative with a heart for public service and the values that will cause her to fight for the small businesses and working families of Florida. Carolina will take the same energy that has made her a successful businesswoman and educator to the Florida Legislature, and I fully endorse her campaign.”
Sen. Danny BurgessFlorida State Senator 
“I wholeheartedly endorse Carolina Amesty for the Florida House in District 45. We share the same conservative values and know that we need regime change in liberal Washington in order to get our country headed back in the right direction. Carolina will be a tremendous ally for Gov. DeSantis in Tallahassee and will defend our freedoms and principles.”
Commission Chair Joe MullinsFlagler County 
“I know Carolina Amesty will be a strong voice for our conservative values in the Florida House, and I fully endorse her campaign for State Representative. Her background as an educator and businesswoman will set her up for success as she fights for universal school choice and economic growth in our state. I am confident in her ability to serve District 45 with strength.”
Rep. Stan McClainFlorida State Representative 
“Carolina is the conservative force we need in the Florida House, and she has my full endorsement for her race in District 45. She is a champion for freedom, safety, and prosperity for all Floridians, and I am confident that her strong values and deep love for America will set her up for success in Tallahassee.”
Robin BernsteinFormer United States Ambassador to the Dominican Republic 
Florida State Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis has endorsed Carolina Amesty for State Representative
Jimmy PatronisFlorida CFO 
“Carolina Amesty has been a hands-on leader in our schools, overseeing both K-12 and post-secondary education. She is a passionate supporter of school choice and stood with Governor DeSantis in his effort to protect parental rights in the classroom. It is my pleasure to endorse Carolina as the right choice and best conservative candidate for state representative in House District 45.”
Richard CorcoranFormer State Education Commissioner and Florida House Speaker 